Touya Shiun (紫雲統夜/トーヤ・シウン, Shiun Touya) (Fury name is Tou-ya Selda Shiun) is the 17 years old main male character in Super Robot Wars J. A half Fury, he was accompanied by Festenia Muse, Katia Grignarl and Melua Melna Meia. His father, El-Selda Shun, is a Fury Knight who was sent to infiltrate Ashalley Kreutzer's project of mobile suit development, but soon betrayed them and sent three girls along with a mech that would be piloted by Touya.
Touya appears in the following games:
- Super Robot Wars J - Selectable protagonist, with own unique storyline
- Super Robot Wars Original Generation The Moon Dwellers - Playable character
- Super Robot Wars X-Ω - Playable character
- Fate - Used when piloting Bellzelute, Coustwell, Granteed or Vorlent
- Limit Over - Used when piloting Bellzelute Brigandi, Coustwell Brachium, Granteed Dracodeus or Raftclans. During ultimate attack theme changes to:
- Sweet Suite - Used in ultimate attack with Melua
- Powerful Eater - Used in ultimate attack with Festenia
- Resolution - Used in ultimate attack with Katia
Personality & Skills[]
Touya is depicted as a normal boy who wants nothing more but a normal life. He begins as a rather pessimistic and cynical young man who is prone to complaining, much to the annoyance of the other characters. He wanted nothing to do with the war and wished to bail out and return to civilian life as quickly as possible despite the valuable role he and his machine play on the battlefield.
He matures over the course of story, becoming a much more empathetic and positive person who is willing to lay down his life for what he believes in. This is shown by his determination to protect the machine his father gave him as well as the three girls, regardless of danger.. At the end of the game, Touya shows a great deal of affection towards the people in Earth and PLANTs by making sure that the Bloody Valentine War ends by participating in destroying ZAFT's Superweapon GENESIS. He and the Three Ships Alliance also prevented UEFA and Blue Cosmos Leader Muruta Azrael's blind eradication towards Coordinator by destroying all the nuclear missiles fired by UEFA before they can reach the PLANTs
He is shown to adapt quickly with his mech thanks to the sophisticated Cytron system installed in his mech, enabling him to fight with the skill of an experienced veteran despite having never underwent formal pilot training, Touya's skill might be influenced by the knowledge left by his Father, El-Selda Shiun. As commented by Al-Van himself that Touya moves and fights like his father, once a great Knight of the Fury in his life. Near the end of the game, Touya gains full understanding of Cytron System, as shown when he instruct his sub-pilot ( whoever it is ) to assist Zeorymer in an effort to save Athrun and Cagalli when they tried to stop GENESIS from firing its final shot towards Earth, and also when he speaks to Al-Van about stopping the Gau-La Furia energy feedback from destroying the stasis pods where the Furians asleep in.
Original Generation Timeline[]
Touya was born in Sapporo from the union between Seldiore Shiun and Yuzuki Shiun. His father was often away from home to work in a military facility at the Moon, the Ashalley Kreutzer facility, making them more distant when all he did was just send him money to pay for his school and rental wages. He went to school and became at least friends with the twins Akimi and Akemi Akatsuki (protagonists of Super Robot Wars GC), and admitted of having weird dreams about a young princess-like girl asking for forgiveness to him and speaking about knightly duties.
On his way home, however, Touya finally witnessed his father Seldore, now under his true identity E-Selda Shun, descending back to Earth next to his home with a big robot, the Granteed, being pursued with mysterious robots and some of them belonging to Guests, making him wonder if the Guests betrayed the peace treaty since the Sealing Wars. His father brought two girls, Katia Grignarl and Melua Melna Meia, and told him to take shelter in his home, but Touya got to take shelter inside the robot and witnessed his father fighting for his life and successfully driving away the invaders, with the help of the Compatible Kaiser and the Soulsaber (the latter was ridden by his classmates, Akimi and Akemi). After finishing the deed, E-Selda recalled his happiest moment when Touya was born and finally succumbed to his wounds, leaving Touya, Katia and Melua to grieve over his departure.
From Katia and Melua, Touya learned bits about his father's job and the robot he brought. For more information on the suggestion of Akimi, Akemi and the pilot of Compatible Kaiser, Kouta Azuma, Touya brought the Granteed to the Aggressors, but then witnessed an attack from the Dark Brain Cult led by the Crystal Dragoon, with the Aggressors, combined with the help of Compatible Kaiser and Soulsaber, barely holding ground. Touya then decided to stop hiding and stand his ground, but realized that the Granteed somehow did not move on his command. Only after Katia offered to sit in the second seat and helped with the interface that Touya can finally move the Granteed and help out others.
The original pursuers of Granteed, the Fury, finally made their appearances and demanded him to surrender the Granteed. At this point, however, Touya has steeled himself to not give in to threats and would defend the legacy of his father with his life. He joined the Kouryuu Sentai group as they battled against not just the Fury, but also a splinter Guest faction, the Gadisword people and the Dark Brain Cult.
The Fury, however, was very dead set in capturing Granteed, and had the power to stop time to make it happen. After a few tries, they finally succeeded, capturing Touya and bringing him to their mothership Gau-La Furia, where he met the princess that appeared in his dream, Shana-Mia Eterna-Fura. Touya learned about the Fury's plan to assimilate themselves into the Earth for the sake of survival, but a majority of the Fury members were against the idea, seeing Earthlings as lowly beings beneath them. Touya escaped captivity and also stumbled upon the evolution of Granteed, being an incarnation of the deity Fuhryam, residing in Granteed Dracodeus. He also learned that the spy faction, wounded his father which led to his death, sending Touya into a fit of rage that wiped out a majority of the Fury pursuers until the Kouryuu Sentai came to pick him up. At that point, however, Shana-Mia has taken a ride to Touya's Granteed Dracodeus and she received support from the Kouryuu Sentai in her plans to assimilate her people into Earth.
Eventually, the Kouryuu Sentai assaulted the Gau-La Furia, and Touya defeated not only the Spy faction, but also the new leader of Fury after Shana-Mia's departure, Head Knight Gu-Landon Goetz. It was there that Touya learned about Fuhryam goals to defeat the evil Kadoam Hakam and destroy their means of transportation, the Cross Gate. When one of them, XN-L, was finally defeated in the climax battle against Dark Brain Cult, Touya fulfilled his duty and cleaved the Cross Gate in two.
In the end, seeing the damage done to Earth, Shana-Mia felt guilty to attempt to assimilate her people to Earth and decided to find another home, but luckily, Mekibos Bolverde offered her people a place near the Zuvorg Alliance'd space. As a successor of his father, a honorable knight of Fury, Touya took it upon himself to accompany Shana-Mia and help her people settle in their new home. He then bid good bye to his father's grave.
- Quite unique that as the game's main character, the first time Touya can be played is on the first scenario. On the other hands, Calvina Coulange, the female main character, immediately started her action on the second scenario.
- It is unknown whether Calvina's or Touya's storyline is the canon as either don't ever meet the other in their respective storylines in Super Robot Wars J.
- It is revealed in The Moon Dwellers that Touya's late mother is named Yuzuki Shiun. Also, he was born and raised in Sapporo.
- It's also implied that Touya became friends with Sakito Asagi, though most likely not of the same school, but Touya knew that one day Sakito vanished from the face of Earth, being summoned into La Gias and participating in the events of Coffin of the End.

Touya design in Super Robot Wars J
External Links[]
- Touya Shiun (on SRW JPWiki)