Super Robot Wars Wiki

For the titular mecha, see Big O.

The Big O (THE ビッグオー Za Biggu Ō) is an anime series created by designer Keiichi Sato and director Kazuyoshi Katayama for Sunrise. The first season premiered on Wowow with 13 episodes between October 13, 1999 and January 19, 2000. A second season with 13 episodes aired between January 2 and March 23, 2003, following its popularity with western audiences with it airing on Cartoon Network's Toonami block. A manga was released three months before the anime aired, releasing six volumes between July 1999 and October 2001. After Bandai Entertainment shut down in 2012, the series' rights, along with certain other Sunrise series like Brain Powerd and Overman King Gainer were acquired by Sentai Filmworks.

While the first season would be represented in Super Robot Wars D, the second season later appeared in Super Robot Wars Z and its sequels, being one of the Z series' mainstays. 


The story takes place forty years after a mysterious occurrence causes the residents of Paradigm City to lose their memories. The series follows Roger Smith, Paradigm City's top Negotiator. He provides this "much needed service" with the help of a robot named R. Dorothy Wayneright and his butler Norman Burg. When the need arises, Roger calls upon Big O, a giant relic from the city's past.


Main series[]



  • Roger Smith (ロジャー・スミス) - The best Negotiator of Paradigm City, a city where all habitants lost their memories. In the past he was a military police officer assistant and is an old acquaintance of police chief Dan Daston. Despite proceeding with Negotiations in a humorous and witty tone, he delivers results that exceed the client's expectations. He is a very stubborn man, but when Dorothy says she wants to keep a cat, he showed that he also has a good side and may listens to other's wishes. His memory allows him to operate the Big O, and with it he fights against great evils.
  • R. Dorothy Wayneright (R・ドロシー・ウェインライト) - An android made exactly like the daughter of her creator, Dr. Timothy Wayneright. As she could not pay for Roger's help in the case over Wayneright's heritage, she decided to work for him as a maid. At first, she was unfriendly and had an unmanned attitude, but as time passed, she became Roger's partner, often accompanying him on his assignments.
  • Norman Burg (ノーマン・バーグ) - Roger's butler.
  • Angel (エンジェル) - A mysterious woman with unknown motives.
  • Alex Rosewater (アレックス・ローズウォーター) - The chairman of the Paradigm Corporation and son of the company's president, Gordon Rosewater. He is a tyrant with an unquenchable thirst for power.
  • Schwarzwald (シュバルツバルト also "Schwaltz Walt") - He used to work in Paradigm Press as a reporter named Michael Seebach, and he was obsessed with finding the truth, resulting in his discovery of the Megadeus Archetype in the underground of Paradigm City. However, his obsession led to an attempt on his life, which disfigured him. Now he is a sinister figure wrapped in bandages.


The mecha in this series are named Megadeus.

  • Big O (ビッグオー) - The titular Megadeus piloted by Roger Smith. Roger shouts "Big O, Showtime!" on the wristwatch in his left arm to summon it from the basement of his mansion to confront large enemies. It contains several weapons such as Arc Line beams in the eyes, the Cannon Party machine guns, and the Missile Party in the chest. Its strongest move is Sudden Impact, which uses the pressurized pistons in each arm to deliver a powerful punch.
  • Big Duo (ビッグデュオ) - The Megadeus piloted by Schwarz. It is able to fly by changing its fingers into propellers and using a powerful engine. Its propeller fingers can also be used as blades in combat. Other armaments include the Arc Line beam in the eyes, a Gatling Missile in the chest, and a Megaton Missile in each leg.


The music in the original series was composed by Toshihiko Sahashi.

  • Big-O!
  • Sure Promise



External links[]
