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Super Robot Wars W (スーパーロボット大戦W ) is part of the Super Robot Wars franchise and was published for the Nintendo DS by Banpresto in 2007. It is the first Super Robot Wars game released for the Nintendo DS. Like some DS games, special features can be unlocked by starting a new game with any of the Game Boy Advance era games into SLOT 2.
Space Calendar (SC) 99. In the previous age, the governments of Earth formed the Federated Earth Nation (FEN) to bring World War III to an end. After putting down the defiant lunar colony, the Federation Space Calendar was instituted. To alleviate environmental pressures and overpopulation, the FEN began expanding into space, constructing space colonies and asteroid cities, as well as an Orbital Space Ring around the Earth, and the development and terraforming of the Moon and Mars. This was accomplished in a short time, due to quantum leaps in physics and energy research.
But repression of those living in the colonies by the FEN ignited a war between factions in space, and OZ, the true leaders of the FEN. This "Revolutionary War" ended in the year 98, with the death of FEN President Treize Khushrenada. From Treize's will, a New United Nations was formed, returning power back to the individual states.
But the new Earth Sphere's toubles seemed to multiply. The Earth Sphere was invaded by the Radam, who seized control of the Orbital Space Ring, and the invaders known as the Jovian Lizards, who destroyed the Mars Colony. In addition, internal strife, such as the arbitrary distinction between Coordinators and Naturals, and mechanized terrorism, seem to be taking the New United Nations to the breaking point.
On June 13, SC 99, Kazuma Ardygun and his family, a group of Trailers, are tasked with the job of escorting Quatre Raberba Winner and Duo Maxwell, disguised as "Heero Yuy", to Earth...
Main Characters[]
- Kazuma Ardygun
At 16 years of age, Kazuma is the Ardygun family's only son and protagonist of the game. Very sloppy and rash in his decisions, his goal is to become a great Trailer like his father, Blessfield, known as the "legendary Trailer". On his father's request, he writes in a journal everyday, recording all of the events that have transpired. He is the main pilot behind the Valhawk mobile unit.
After Blessfield sacrificed himself in a battle, the weight of depression and shock of the event forced Kazuma to leave the family. He would wind up with the Serpent Tail mercenary group, going by the name of Kite. A year later, he reunites with the rest of the Ardygun family, and proceeds to battle against the Database.
- Mihiro Ardygun
The youngest daughter in the Ardygun family, 10 year-old Mihiro supports her brother, Kazuma, on the battlefield by serving as the secondary pilot in the Valhawk, controling the aiming and evasive programs. After Kazuma disappears when their father dies, she takes over the piloting responsibilities on the Valhawk; once Kazuma returns, she becomes the co-pilot.
- Blessfield Ardygun
Patriarch to the Ardygun family, 45 year-old Blessfield is known the legendary Trailer, having earned the nickname "Hawk's Eye". Serving as the captain of the family's battleship, the Valstork, he has several friends in high places from a variety of organizations. Blessfield was originally a space pirate, who carried out his own sense of justice, but settled down once he met his future wife, Yu-mi, and became a Trailer.
Like most Mars natives, Blessfield Has the innate ability to Boson Jump, which allows him to instantaneously travel through time and space with the help of Chulip Crystals; In many cases, the Jumper may even end up going backwards through time, and arrive at their destination before they left. During a major battle he protects Kazuma from an imminent explosion, and ends up jumping back 15 billion years into the past.
Blessfield almost loses hope, until meeting an ancient civilization called the E's, teaching him the importance of memories. Working alongside them, he creates the Knowledge Records and Record Plant, bringing the Database to life. The Valstork battleship would be made at the same time, thus establishing his legacy, to be eventually handed down to his ancestors in the future, 15 billion years later.
- Shihomi Ardygun
The oldest daughter in the Ardygun family, 22 year-old Shihomi is aware of her duties as the eldest child. She serves as the main operator aboard the Valstork. After Blessfield's disappearance, she becomes the captain of the battleship and head of the family.
- Akane Ardygun
The second oldest daughter in the Ardygun family, 20 year-old Akane is a rather cheerful, but stern woman. She serves as the weapons operator aboard the Valstork. According to her, she prefers a tough man, and her gullible personality makes her an easy target for Horis Horian's teasing. She's also troubled about her chest size, something Horis constantly jokes about.
- Horis Horian
24 year-old Horis is currently employed by the Ardygun family. Very knowledgeable about many things, he serves as the navigational operator aboard the Valstork and has excellent control over the battleship. Formerly an intelligence agent from OZ, he infiltrated aboard the Valstork to investigate its technology and capabilities, but decided to stay, due to the growing attachment he had towards the Ardyguns and how nice they treated him.
- Carret
This general-purpose robot acts as the communications and signal analysis officer aboard the Valstork and Valhawk. Carret's appearance is perhaps modeled after the mascot of the Mobile Suit Gundam franchise, the Haro.
- Aria Advance
With an appearance of a 16 year-old, Aria is one of the frontline commanders of the Database, piloting the customized Arm Arcus machine. She considers Applicant her father, usually addressing him as "papa". Because of the mechanical ways the Database operates, she is very ignorant on the subject of relationships, though she is oddly fond of Mihiro during their encounters, but extremely cold towards Kazuma.
- Regulate
The program Regulate acts as an enforcer, and has a mother-like personality. Whenever Applicant goes to fight in the frontlines, she is sent alongside to support him. She bears an odd resemblance to Yu-mi, Blessfield's deceased wife.
- Applicant
The program Applicant is in charge of managing throughout the Database. The pilot of the Arm Stora battleship, he acts as the parent to Aria.
- Inference
The commander of the Record Plant, Inference is the leader behind the Database, piloting the giant Scentia. Usually calm, though has the tendency to act irrational when angered, he bears some resemblance to both Kazuma and Aria.
Original Mecha[]
- Valhawk
A transformable machine that is piloted by two people. Its main mode is called "Cross Combat Mode," and this is its default battle mode. It also has a high speed flight mode which is called "Air Force Mode." Its main source of power is a Proton Drive, and it's capable of combining with the Valstork using a battle formation called "Pattern Cross."
It was created by Blessfield after he was sent 15 billion years into the past. It was produced after blueprints hidden in the Valstork were found.
- Valstork
A mysterious battleship Blessfield inherited from his father and used by the Ardygun family. Its main source of power is a Proton Drive, and it's capable of combining with the Valstork using a battle formation called "Pattern Cross." It was created by Bless after he was sent a 15 billion years into the past.
- Valguard
The result of the combination of the Valhawk and the Valstork, after initiating a battle formation called "Pattern Cross." Kazuma takes over the main controls, and is the main pilot for it. It's able to combine with Arm Arcus and Arm Stora after initiating a battle formation called "Pattern Final," turning into Valzacard.
- Arm Arcus
Aria's personal machine. It's able to combine with Valguard and Arm Stora after initiating a battle formation called "Pattern Final," turning into Valzacard.
- Arm Stora
A ship that's powered by a Proton Nova Drive. It's able to combine with Valguard and Arm Arcus after initiating a battle - formation called "Pattern Final," turning into Valzacard.
- Valzacard
The result of the combination of the Valguard, the Arm Stora, and the Arm Arcus, after initiating a battle formation called "Pattern Final." Kazuma takes over the main controls, and is the main pilot for the Valzacard.
At its base, Super Robot Wars W's gameplay is the same as in the rest of the series. Missions are made up of an introductory dialogue segment that sets up the story for the current mission, and ties it into other, previous missions. From there, the game goes to a top-down map. The map uses icons to represent various units, with allied units in blue and enemies in red.
Unlike previous SRW's, the interface has been changed slightly to make use of the DS's dual screens. While the player may still use the directional pad and buttons to move around the map, select units, and make commands, the game allows for the use of the touch screen stylus instead. The mini-map feature in previous SRW's is now a fixture on the DS's top screen. When two units engage in battle, the battle sequence is shown on the top screen. The bottom screen shows a quick summary of the stats of the attacker and defender, including hit percentages. The screens may be swapped via the system menu.
The game includes the Combo Attack system from other Super Robot Wars titles for the Nintendo GameBoy Advance. Unlike the system in those games, however, the attacker does not need to be parallel with all of the targeted units; instead, when a combo attack is used it will target any adjacent enemies as well, with the maximum number being determined by the pilot's Combo Attack level. In addition, W has the Favorites System from Super Robot Wars MX and Super Robot Wars Judgement, which grants upgrade and experience growth bonuses to the selected series.
One noticeable change in the plot is that the story in W is separated into two halves, allowing some of the series (like Nadesico, GaoGaiGar, Tekkaman Blade, Full Metal Panic) to continue in their respective sequels. Since some of the series appear only in the second half of the game, the Favorites System allows the player to re-choose when the second half starts.
A "Bazaar Shop", similar to the one seen in Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden, is unlocked after beating the game once. The shop allows players to buy a selection of units that, normally, only the enemies would use. These are mainly from the Full Metal Panic series and Gundam SEED.
New to the series is the Double Slot System. When a player goes to the intermission mscreen (either by completing a stage or loading a saved game) with one of the GameBoy Advance Super Robot Wars games in the DS's GBA slot, they receive a bonus item and sometimes some money. The properties of the item vary depending on which game is used, and are named after the game they are from.
Series Featured[]
- Banpresto Originals (not a TV or movie series)
- Getter Robo G (no units were included, only the characters Ryoma Nagare, Hayato Jin and Benkei Kuruma are included)
- Shin Getter Robo (manga version)
- Mazinkaiser
- Mazinkaiser: Fight to the Death! The Great General of Darkness
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray (debut)
- Mobile Suit Gundam SEED X Astray (debut)
- Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
- Martian Successor Nadesico
- The King of Braves GaoGaiGar
- The King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL
- Full Metal Panic!
- Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
- Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (debut)
- Tekkaman Blade
- Tekkaman Blade II (debut)
- Detonator Orgun (debut)
- Hundred Beast King GoLion (debut)
- Super Robot Wars W has been the most requested entry by fans to be part of the OG series.
- It is the only game to feature Detonator Orgun
- GoLion would make a future appearance in SupaRobo Gakuen.
- On February 27 2022, a 3-person fan-translated English patch was released.
- W would have been the last time Banpresto would use the SEED Storyline until the release of DD.