Super Robot Wars Wiki

Super Robot Wars J (スーパーロボット大戦J Sūpā Robotto Taisen J) is a game from the Super Robot Wars franchise released by Banpresto for the Game Boy Advance console in 20XX. The game featured several new Original mechas, alongside with old favorites and newcomers, such as Mazinger Z and Full Metal Panic!, respectively.

At the start of the game, the player chooses three "favorite" series, which enables mechas of the chosen series to have additional upgrade slots, which are blue in color, compared to the standard black of normal slots. A players existing favorite series at the end of the game is retained in the New Game +, and thus players can choose every mecha series available in the game as a favorite after several replays.

New Game +[]

The New Game + allows several benefits, making the game easier to complete compared to the first time going through it. The benefits of the New Game + are the following :

  • Bonus points assigned to pilots are kept, though they cannot be reassigned.
  • Upgrades are retained, and unspent cash at the end of the game is carried forward into the next game.
  • The original character may rebuild his, or her own, seishin (Pilot skills) list. This does not, however guarantee the ability to use the given skill obtained at the level if your character does not have sufficient SP for it.
  • Players may add three more series to your chosen favorite series, as stated above.
  • You may opt to bring a different sub-pilot along with you this time, as the sub pilot chosen has influence on how the final attack animation for the original mecha would look like. (Please note that you may choose to change sub-pilots at any intermission period, but the final attack is only accessible through constant use of the same sub-pilot)
  • A new mecha will be unlocked upon completing the game three times with the three standard mecha
  • Upon the fourth time clearing the game, all mechas are given new maximum upgrade slots of twenty, and pilots are set to receive 1.5 times the regular amount of experience points.
  • Kill counts are kept, thus Ace and Double Ace bonuses are retained.


It is the year C.E 71...

Humanity has reached into outer space in order to develop its knowledge. And as a result, newly emerged genetically modified humans known as 'Coordinators', gifted with enhanced bodies and minds, have built PLANTs as a place for Coordinators to live. However the so called 'Naturals' that have a normal body and mind think of Coordinators as threats for their abnormal modified strength and mental abilities, seeing the presence of Coordinators as a blasphemy of life. The rift grows ever larger until the UEFA (United Earth Military Federation, the military of the Naturals) decides to nuke Junius Seven(an agricultural PLANT) on Valentine's Day. As a result of PLANTs declaration of Independence, ZAFT(PLANTs miltary faction) retaliates immediately by deploying N-Jammers to the Moon and Earth, resulting in a global food and energy crisis. Thus, the dawn of what comes to be known as The Bloody Valentine War emerges with an end yet unforseeable.

As if the growing conflict between PLANTs and Earth wasn't enough, an unknown race the 'Gradosians' is attacking Mars' colonies, resulting in a mass Genocide of Mars' human population leaving only a handful survivors scattered in secrets shelters. Their goal as well is to eventually conquer the earth.

And at the bottom of Earth's ocean, a huge ancient ruin capable of manipulating "Organic Energy" named 'Orphan' has awakened from the depths, it is still unclear what effect it will have on the earth and humans themselves. However, a society that has vowed to enforce the will of Orphan, currently dubbed 'Reclaimers' has begun to make its move, following mysterious orders to recover so-called "Plates".

To boot, an even more mysterious and powerful threat seems to be behind everything, planning to wipe humanity from the earth.

The main characters of each franchise must band together onboard the "Nadesico" and "Archangel" to save earth from its countless ordeals.

The Basics[]

There are no major changes compared to other titles in the Super Robot Wars series.

Super Robot Wars J is basically a Turn-Based Strategy game, in which the player commands a fleet to meet certain objectives which are relatively easy to accomplis because the majority of objectives is to completely annihilate your enemies

Game features several systems used in previous games, as well as new ones. These include but are not limited to:

  • Favorite Series
    • First introduced in Super Robot Wars MX, this system allows players to increase the number of possible upgrade steps for chosen units and increases the amount of experience points and credits one can earn. Unlike MX, three series can be chosen at once and an additional three during subsequent replays, until all 15 series have been chosen. Also, for balancing purposes. The bonus level are variable depends on the series, series that have more units or bigger contribution to the story (especially Brain Powered, Gundam SEED and Nadesico this time) receives less bonus than series having fewer units.
  • Relationship Bonuses
    • First introduced in Super Robot Wars 64, units earn better dodging and attacking stats by standing adjacent to a character they are emotionally attached with, usually from the same series. This is determined by either blue orbs (friendship) or hearts (attraction/crush).
  • Unit Switching/Swapping
    • A new system: Whenever a unit docks with any battleship, it has the option of switching out with another unit not initially sortied. However, the number of times this is possible for a battleship can be upgraded to a maximum of three.
  • BGM Change
    • First introduced in Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2 and refined in the 3rd Super Robot Wars Alpha, players can switch a playable character's theme song with another, allowing almost any song to play for a given unit. Themes for some special attacks will always override the chosen music.
  • Fully Animated Sprites
  • Multiple Waves of Enemies: The AI in this game are easy to predict because they will always attack the weakest unit (if available) and the Mothership/Battleship(s), but the main challenge comes after all or most visible enemies are defeated. Often, another wave of enemies will emerge from some designated areas, several times.


All Parts


All Combo

Original Mechs and Characters[]

Super Robot Wars J offers players the choice of playing one of two protagonists, each following the game's storyline from a different front:

  • Touya Shiun is an ordinary 17-year old high-school student, with a straight sense of justice, but nevertheless, a coward, and not the type to act on chance. At first, he is pushed by his partners to fight, even though reluctantly, he feels he cannot be trusted. As the story progresses, Touya begins to fight by his own will, and to his great surprise he discovers a connection between himself and the main antagonists, an ancient race that aims to claim the Earth.
  • Calvina Coulange is a 22-year old former Alliance Space Forces Second Lieutenant pilot. During her days at the military, her superior piloting skills earns her the nickname "White Lynx" among her peers. After graduation, she becomes a contract employee at the moon branch of the Ashalley Kreutzer Corporation. As part of the weapons development section, she serves as the appraisal to the newly developed mobile weapon and is assigned as the instructor to the pilots. However, two months before Judgement's story begins, the branch is destroyed by an unknown enemy attack. All developmental data, mecha, staff and equipment are lost. Though seriously injured, Calvina is the sole survivor of the incident. Once a cheerful girl, the incident has left her reserved and quiet.

Prior to participating in battles, players are offered a choice to select which co-pilot to accompany the chosen protagonist in the machine. Each co-pilot possess different skills and sets of "Spirit Commands" to utilize in different situations:

  • Katia Grignarl tends to be quiet and emotionally stable, but is rather stubborn, and confronts the protagonist several times. She tends to speak seriously and proposes to do the most daring and dangerous things. Among the three co-pilots, she appears to be the eldest, and the leader among them.
  • Festenia Muse, though extremely bad-mouthed, is a very cheerful girl. Occasionally addressed as "Tenia", she loves to tease other people to test out their reactions. On the other hand, she tries to overcome her insecurities with cheerfulness and carries an enormous appetite.
  • Melua Melna Meia lacks self-insistency, but is unpredictable, yet intelligent. Melua is always the one to stop any argument between Katia and Tenia and will resort to tears if the fight is not resolved. However, out of the three, she is perhaps the most emotionally stable and loves all kind of sweets, especially chocolate.

Original Mecha[]

  • Bellzelute, a real robot designed for long-range combat. It carries no melee weapons, but compensates for its wide variety of long-range attacks
    • Bellzelute Brigandy is the Bellzelute's upgrade. Fitted with a module comparable to the GP03 "Dendrobium Orchis", its capabilities exceed its original, with the addition of using the module as a weapon.
  • Coustwell, the second real robot intended for fast-paced close combat. While it is not known for its range, it makes up for its ability to use any of its weapons immediately upon movement.
    • Coustwell Brachium is the Coustwell's upgrade, becoming a strictly melee combat-type machine, rather than a balanced hybrid, like its predecessor.
  • Granteed, a super robot easily identifiable by its huge size and its assortment of weapons. This heavily armored machine has the strongest melee-based attacks compared against the Bellzelute and Coustwell.
    • Granteed Dracodeus is the Granteed's upgrade. Merged with the Basileus module, it takes the appearance of a mythical dragon king.
  • Vorlent, the second super robot commonly used by enemy commanders. However, this unit is selectable only if certain conditions are met in the game.
    • Raftclans is the Vorlent's upgrade. It's commonly used by enemy generals.

Series Listing[]


  • J in the title name is for "Judgement".
  • This is the first Super Robot Wars fan-translated game in English.
  • This game was retold into Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers where it was the main storyline next to GC.