Super Robot Wars (スーパーロボット大戦 Sūpā Robotto Taisen) is the first game of the Super Robot Wars series of strategy RPGs, released for the Game Boy on April 20, 1991. It is one of the few independent games in the series to feature a multiplayer mode, which was not done again until the release of Super Robot Wars XO in 2006. Unlike future games, the main goal of the game is to capture the enemy army's "tower," and Spirit Commands can only be used by the unit that is designated as the team's "Hero". The final boss of the game is Gilgilgun, the main villain from Great Mazinger vs. Getter Robo.
A remake of the title was released digitally for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in 2014 via PlayStation Network. While the game utilizes high-definition graphics, battle animations are rendered using immobile robots in a manner similar to titles released prior to Super Robot Wars Alpha. Gameplay changes include 13 new stages, Spirit Commands available for all units (though the Hero is given access to exclusive commands), the addition of Mazinger Z's Boss Borot to the starting Mazinger team, and new units such as the Full Armor Gundam and Cybuster.
- For recurring elements, see Gameplay elements.
In the beginning of the game, the player selects one of three teams (Gundam, Mazinger, or Getter Robo) and the team's Hero. The Hero can use Spirit Commands and the player can distribute bonus points to the Hero's stats. Members from teams not selected will appear as enemies and can be recruited with Persuasion.
Each map contains a "tower" that must be captured by the player, and it is usually protected by a strong enemy unit. The player's team must defeat the enemy and have an ally unit move on the "tower" to complete the mission. By moving on other towers and in certain spots, the units can find items that can be used between missions to increase their power.
In the first game the player controls anthropomorphic robots that share traits that would be divided between pilots and units in later games. Also, Attack became a value from the weapons instead of the units, and as Persuasion didn't reappear in later works, Charisma and Loyalty are unique to the first game.
- HP - The unit's health points, indicating its durability. The unit is destroyed when its HP reaches 0. In this game, defeated units are permanently lost, being only revived if the Spirit Command Love is used in the same mission the unit was defeated.
- Move Power / Move (いどうりょく / 移動 Idō Ryoku) - Indicates the amount of squares the unit can move on its terrain type. Land (りく / 陸 Riku) units have normal movement on the ground and low movement on water, while the reverse is true for Water (みず / 水 Mizu) units. Sky (そら / 空 Sora) units aren't affected by terrains.
- Attack (攻撃 Kougeki) - Determines damage caused by attacks.
- Agility (素早さ Subayasa) - Affects movement and evasion
- Defense (防衛 Bougyo) - Determines damage taken from attacks.
- Spirit / SP (せいしん / SP Seishin) - Only available to the Hero. Display the amount of Spirit Commands that can be used in the mission. In the HD remake it is available to all units, with the Hero starting with 5 extra SP.
- Charisma / Appeal (魅力 Karisuma / Miryoku) - Affects the chance of being successful with Persuasion.
- Loyalty (忠義 Chuugi) - Affects the chance of resisting Persuasion.
Most enemy characters can join the player by Persuasion (説得 Settoku), including the character of the other two teams who were not selected in the beginning of the game. The higher the Charisma of the character using Persuasion and the lower the opponent's Loyalty, the higher the probability of Persuasion being successful. However, if the character's Loyalty is 0, which is common with bosses, Persuasion will never succeed. As enemies can also use Persuasion, sometimes ally units may become enemies. As an enemy becomes an ally on the spot, Persuasion can't be used if there is no space for a new ally unit in the current team (each map has a limit) or in total (the player is limited to 12 units).
Featured Series[]
As the first game, this is the debut of all featured series.
- Mazinger Z
- Great Mazinger
- Mazinger films (Great Mazinger vs Getter Robo G and Great Mazinger vs Getter Robo)
- Getter Robo
- Getter Robo G
- Mobile Suit Gundam
- Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
- Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
- Mobile Suit Gundam F91