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Super Robot Spirits (スーパーロボットスピリッツ) is a fighting game released by Banpresto for the Nintendo 64 on July 17, 1998. It was considered strange the fact that Banpresto did not include Mazinger Z or Getter Robo, which are its standard mecha series. The game was only released in Japan. The game is a sequel to Super Robot Spirits Prestory: Operation SRW, as well as taking elements from Neo Super Robot Wars.

Series Included[]

Playable Units[]

Finisher: T-Link Knuckle (T-LINKナックル).

  • Voltes V (Pilot: Kenichi Gou)

Finisher: Tenkuuken - V-no-Ji-Giri (天空剣Vの字斬り) / Grand Fire (グランドファイヤー)

  • Dancouga (Pilot: Shinobu Fujiwara)

Finisher: Dankuuhou Formation (断空砲フォーメーション) / Dankuu-Kouga-Ken (断空光牙剣)

  • Daitarn 3 (Pilot: Banjou Haran)

Finisher: Sun Attack => Daitarn Crash

  • Walker Gallia (Pilots: Jiron Amos & Chill)

Finisher: Missile Throw (ミサイル投げ Missile-Nage)

Finisher: Hyper Aura-Giri (ハイパーオーラ斬り)

  • Shining Gundam (Pilot: Domon Kasshu)

Finisher: Shining Finger Sword (シャイニングフィンガーソード)

Secret Units[]

  • Master Gundam (Pilot: Master Asia)

Finisher: Choukyuu-Haou-Deneidan (超級覇王電影弾) / Sekiha Tenkyouken (石破天驚拳)

  • Devil Gundam (Pilot: Kyouji Kasshu)

Finisher: Gravity Cannon (グラビティーキャノン)

Finisher: Saishuu Jigoku - Judecca (最終地獄ジュデッカ)


"Hagane no Tamashii" (Souls of Steel) was the song used in the Super Robot Spirits' commercial, however, it was not included in the game. Then, this song was used in Super Robot Wars as SRX theme song.

  • It was one of the top 80 best selling Nintendo 64 games in Japan while rated worst in the franchise overall.

External Links[]

