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Dancouga - Super Beast Machine God (超獣機神ダンクーガ Chōjū Kishin Dankūga) is a super robot anime television series. (The English name chosen by the Japanese companies is "God Bless The Machine Dancouga", but the US release uses a literal title translation.) The show ran for 38 episodes from 4 April 1985 to 17 December 1985 and was produced by Ashi Productions (also known for their work in the Dorvack series). After the TV series ended, a number of OVAs were created. Juusenki Tai Songs featured music videos of the various theme and insert songs from the series to TV series footage. The 1986 OVA Requiem for Victims featured a recap of the television series and a newly-animated conclusion to the story. Additionally, there was a 1987 sequel OVA (often mislabeled a movie by American fans because it was animated in widescreen) God Bless Dancouga. In 1989 the four-part Blazing Epilogue OVA series presented a new sequel.

A show called Dancouga Nova (directed by Dancouga's original mecha designer, Masami Obari) began airing in Japan in March of 2007. However, it appears to be related to the series in name and mechanical design only, the overall plot bearing no apparent direct connection to the original and seeming to fans as more of a third season to Obari's Gravion than a successor to its namesake.

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