- 013 Special Missions Team
- AG
- AL-3 Alice
- AMX-102 Zssa
- AM Gunner
- ART-1
- ASK-G03C Rapiéçage
- ATX Project
- ATX Team
- AVX-03 Ganador
- AVX-04 Strega
- Ace Gozzo
- Adamatron
- Adler Koch
- Advent
- After War Gundam X
- Agares
- Aguija
- Ahlforz Rohm Halharris
- Ahmed Hammoudi
- Aile Chevalier/Geant Chevalier
- Aim For The Top!
- Aim Liard
- Aisha Ridgemond
- Akane Ardygun
- Akemi Akatsuki
- Akimi Akatsuki
- Al-E-Quis
- Al-Van Ranks
- Albatross
- Albatross/Macht
- Albero Esto
- Albert Grey
- Aledy Naash
- Alion Lucada
- Alkaid Naash
- All Super Robot Wars Electronic Encyclopedia
- Alles Geist
- Almana Tiqvah
- Alpha Numbers
- Alpha Omega
- Alpha Series
- Altairlion
- Alteisen
- Alteisen/Nacht (OG)
- Alteisen Nacht (EF)
- Alteisen Riese
- Altis Tarl
- Alumarcus
- Alumstora
- Alzare Gran Billseia
- Amara Barton
- Amuro Ray
- Anbrorn Jeus
- Andras
- Angelg
- Angelica Chartille
- Anies Velgue
- Anna Lotta Stalls
- Anne Sirena
- Another Century's Episode
- Another Century's Episode:R
- Another Century's Episode 2
- Another Century's Episode 3 THE FINAL
- Another Century's Episode Portable
- Another Century's Episode Series
- Ansuz Egret
- Applicant
- Aqua Centrum
- Arado Balanga
- Arcadia
- Arceus
- Archibald Grimms
- Arco Katwor
- Aria Advance
- Ariel Org
- Ark-On
- Arkgain
- Armana Tikvah
- Armor Hunter Mellowlink
- Armored Module
- Armored Trooper VOTOMS
- Armorlion
- Arwynn Dorstein
- Asahi Inui
- Asakim Dowen
- Aschen Brodel
- Ash
- Ashcleef
- Ashi Productions
- Ashsaviour
- Ashura Temple
- Assault Dragoon
- Astelion
- Astelion AX
- Astranagant
- Atad Shamran
- Auge
- Auguvalue
- Aura Battler Dunbine
- Aura Battler Dunbine/Characters
- Aura Battler Dunbine/Mecha
- Aurgelmir
- Aussenseiter
- Axel Almer
- Axio
- Aya Kobayashi
- Ayame Amanomiya
- Ayur Dylan
- Azuki Sawa
- B.B. Studio
- Babylon
- Balking
- Banjō Haran
- Banpresto
- Banpresto Original
- Banpresto Original/Characters
- Banpresto Original/Designers
- Banpresto Original/Technology
- Banpresto Original/Terminology
- Banpresto Original/Units
- Baral
- Baran Doban
- Baran Schnile
- Bardona Drive
- Barrel Orland
- Barrelion
- Barrelion/Custom
- Barrelion/V
- Barskal
- Baruch
- Bat-Shu
- Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou
- Battle Robot Retsuden
- Bellzelute
- Bemidban
- Benkei Kuruma
- Beowulf
- Bergelmir
- Berkt
- Bertha Bernstein
- Bian Zoldark
- Bilgor Belcher
- Black Charisma
- Black Hole
- Blanche Neige
- Blessfield Ardygun
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner/Characters
- Blue Comet SPT Layzner/Mecha
- Bokura no Jiyuu
- Bokurano
- Bonny Maxmad
- Botune
- Brad Skywind
- Brain Powerd
- Brasta
- Brave Raideen
- Brave Series
- Break Out
- Brian Midcrid
- Brooklyn Luckfield
- Brother in Faith
- Buohki
- Bustaul
- Byston Well
- COMPACT Series
- CROSS ANGE Rondo of Angel and Dragon
- Calico McCready
- Calion
- Calvina Coulange
- Calvina Cranju
- Canis
- Cardia Basirissa
- Carlos Axion Jr.
- Catarina Campani
- Cattleya Fujiwara-Branstein
- Celcia Farm
- Cerberus
- Chaos Angues
- Chaos Caper
- Chaos Lemures
- Chaos Leo
- Char Aznable
- Charlotte Hastings
- Cheval Repter
- Chitose Kisaragi
- Chokijin RyuKoOh Denki
- Chouki Taisen SRX
- Cielo Beater
- Cindy Bird
- Classic Series
- Cleo Gretel
- Cliana Rimskaya
- Clifford Gygax
- Cloud Haken
- Cobray Gordon
- Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
- Combat Mecha Xabungle
- Combattler V (mecha)
- Combo in SRWJ
- Compact Series
- Compati Hero Series
- Compatible Kaiser
- Contio
- Cornix
- Cosmic Dance
- Cosmolion
- Cosmolion/Type-DS
- Cosmolion/Type-F
- Cosmolion/Type-V
- Coustwell
- Crayon Shin-chan
- Crest of "Z's"
- Critic
- Crowe Bluste
- Crystal Dragoon
- Cuervo Cero
- Cyber Chronicles Webdiver
- Cybuster
- Cybuster Episode 1
- Cybuster Episode 10
- Cybuster Episode 11
- Cybuster Episode 12
- Cybuster Episode 13
- Cybuster Episode 14
- Cybuster Episode 15
- Cybuster Episode 16
- Cybuster Episode 17
- Cybuster Episode 18
- Cybuster Episode 19
- Cybuster Episode 2
- Cybuster Episode 20
- Cybuster Episode 21
- Cybuster Episode 22
- Cybuster Episode 23
- Cybuster Episode 24
- Cybuster Episode 25
- Cybuster Episode 26
- Cybuster Episode 27
- Cybuster Episode 3
- Cybuster Episode 4
- Cybuster Episode 5
- Cybuster Episode 6
- Cybuster Episode 7
- Cybuster Episode 8
- Cybuster Episode 9
- D-Seerd
- DEM-01 Lemures
- DEM-03 Genion
- DaiRaiOh
- Daimos (mecha)
- Daitarn 3 (mecha)
- Daitetsu Minase
- Dancouga (mecha)
- Dark Brain
- Dea Blanche Niege
- Dengeki SupaRobo
- Denzel Hammer
- Despinis
- Dethera
- Diablo
- Digrid
- Dikastes
- Dino Mech Gaiking
- Dis Astranagant
- Divine Crusaders
- Divine Wars Episode 1
- Divine Wars Episode 10
- Divine Wars Episode 11
- Divine Wars Episode 12
- Divine Wars Episode 13
- Divine Wars Episode 14
- Divine Wars Episode 15
- Divine Wars Episode 16
- Divine Wars Episode 17
- Divine Wars Episode 18
- Divine Wars Episode 19
- Divine Wars Episode 2
- Divine Wars Episode 20
- Divine Wars Episode 21
- Divine Wars Episode 22
- Divine Wars Episode 23
- Divine Wars Episode 24
- Divine Wars Episode 25
- Divine Wars Episode 26
- Divine Wars Episode 3
- Divine Wars Episode 4
- Divine Wars Episode 5
- Divine Wars Episode 6
- Divine Wars Episode 7
- Divine Wars Episode 8
- Divine Wars Episode 9
- Doerthe Driessen
- Dogma
- Dorothy Mistral
- Draupa
- Drukin
- Drumro
- Duke Fleed
- Duminas
- Dunbine
- Duraxyll
- Duvan Org
- Dvariym
- DyGenGuar
- Dynamic General Guardian
- Dynamic Planning Original
- EXF-02 Excellence
- Earth Federation
- Earth Fleet Tenku
- Earthgain
- Echidna Iisaki
- Edax
- Edel Bernal
- Edge Sainklaus
- Egret Fehu
- Einst
- Einst Alchimie
- Eita Nadaka
- El-Selda Shun
- Elan Zenosakis
- Eldran Series
- Eldy Middi
- Elgan Rhodic
- Elicia Zefeel
- Elis Radius
- Elma
- Elshine Theresa
- Elzam V. Branstein
- Endark
- Ende the Devourer
- Endless Frontier
- Endless Frontier: Super Robot Wars OG Saga
- Endless Frontier EXCEED: Super Robot Wars OG Saga
- Endless Frontier Saga
- Endra-class
- Ephesus Judecca Gozzo
- Eri Anzai
- Eric One
- Ermel Elkin