Super Robot Wars Wiki

Flickerei Geist (フリッケライ・ガイスト) is a fictional mecha in the Super Robot Wars series, it's the protagonist unit of Real Robot Regiment and a playable unit in ‎The 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generation and Super Robot Wars OG The Moon Dwellers piloted by Ariel Org.

Rrr-x3 Flickerei Geist

Flickerei Geist


Flickerei geist head

Official Head portrait

The Flickerei Geist had a white upper half and black lower half separated by a yellow sphere like core in the torso, the shoulders are white and black on the top and bottom halves respectively the head resembles the Gespenst series head with a blue v plate covering the forehead with a red gem sitting on it with 3 white fins on each side of the head, the head also sports 4 eyes, the shoulders are topped with part of the vernier units that extend up diagonally backwards with a blue highlight around a double yellow orb on the from of each wing, the units forearms are black and share similarities to the Alt Eisen only black with red highlights, the legs are black with red highlights, on the back the other half of the units verniers connected to the top half the upper verniers that extend backwards at a more straight angle.

Technical and Historical[]

Flickerei geist foot

Official Foot profile

The Flickerei Geist is a prototype mobile weapon developed by the Gaia Sabers for Project Idealants. However, it was deemed a failure and was slated for disposal with only the torso being built. The unit was hastily built using parts of the Alt Eisen that were taken by Axel Almer during the Inspector war and spare parts meant for the Rapiéçage. These combination of parts allows it to function similarly to the Alt Eisen as a mid to close combat unit using the Revolving Stake and Machine Cannons on its right and left arms respectively along with using the stake to perform the highspeed Magnum Stake maneuver. During its initial operation it wasn't able to fully utilize its full power, due to the inactive Faul Kern high output generator that was derived from the core of the Jetzt, however during the Black Sky incident of the Sealing War contact with the Red Orge would reawaken the Faul Kern in both Flickerei and Alles Geist allowing Flickrei to use the powerful Uncanny Ultimatum Nails combat pattern using all its weapons in conjunction with the powerful Force Ray beam weapon mounted in the shoulders.
