Super Robot Wars Wiki

Excellen Browning (エクセレン・ブロウニング) is a fictional character in the Super Robot Wars series. In canon, she pilots the Rein Weiss Ritter, and she is joined by her boyfriend, Kyosuke Nanbu, who pilots the Alt Eisen Riese.


Super Robot Wars game appearances[]

Super Robot Wars animated appearances[]

Theme Music[]

  • Platinum Lucifer (白銀の堕天使, Hakugin no Datenshi; localised as Silver Fallen Angel) - Default theme in all appearances
  • Alchemist of Swaying Heart (揺れる心の錬金術師, Yureru Kokoro no Alchemist; localised as Alchemist's Query) - Theme song as an enemy unit

Personality and Traits[]

23-year old Excellen Browning is an extremely playful and flirtatious woman. One of the best examples of her teasing nature involves dressing up in a Playboy Bunny suit for the viewing pleasure of the male crew. She's always trying to get her boyfriend Kyosuke Nanbu to be romantic with her whenever she gets the chance, although her efforts usually backfire. She also jokingly flirts with nearly every male (and a few females) she comes in contact with, enjoys teasing the younger pilots like Brooklyn Luckfield and Masaki Andoh, cheering up people in times of stress, like Aya Kobayashi, á la Tasuku Shinguuji and Leona Garstein. Carefree, frequently cheerful and loves alcohol, Excellen is actually quite an intelligent person, often quoting metaphors in the midst of battle, but at the same time, misusing them or getting their composition wrong. She is quite attached to Lamia Loveless.

Additionally, Excellen will also reference quotes:

  • When using the Shishioh blade, Excellen will sometimes shout out "Ware wa Excellen Browning, Aku wo tatsu tsurugi nari!" This is a direct reference to Sanger Zonvolt's battlecry, "I am Sanger! Sanger Zonvolt, the sword that cleaves evil!"
  • In Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2, through hacking into the game and changing one unit into the WildFalken.L, using the Oxtongue Rifle D on an enemy with Excellen as the pilot will sometimes result in her saying "Hasta la vista, baby!".

In battle, Excellen can be considered a sniper, as the Weissritter was built for long-range combat by Dr. Marion Radom. Most of the time, she's there to back up Kyosuke from the rear, while he takes the enemy head-on.


Excellen Browing recent

Excellen Browning full body portrait

Excellen and Kyosuke were the only survivors of a shuttle crash during their younger years as cadet pilots. While Kyosuke came out of the accident unscathed, Excellen's body was damaged beyond repair and had little chance of living. However, a group of mysterious aliens called the Einst rebuilt her damaged body with their technology, inserting her into the Persönlichkeit, in order to rejuvenate her. She ended up surviving, becoming roughly 80% Einst and 20% human. Her history is unknown within that period until Kyosuke is recruited by Sanger Zonvolt into the ATX Team. Although Kyosuke didn't recognize her at first, Excellen, a second lieutenant on the team, reminds him of their past acquaintance and begin their steady relationship.

Though the two don't serve a strong role in Original Generation, their storyline is central to the plot of Original Generation 2. Here, the Einst, the aliens who repaired Excellen's body, have cloned her from their collective data on her in the form of Alfimi. The Einst, who claim they're the original watchers of the Earth, decide to destroy it and recreate it from its ashes a new world, with Kyosuke and Alfimi as the new Adam and Eve. To further their scheme, they capture Excellen and her Weiss Ritter and had her easily brainwashed, due to the influence of the Einst technology in her. The Weiss Ritter is eventually rebuilt as the Rein Weiss Ritter. Kyosuke was the only one who managed to break her free from their control over her and stop the Einst. With the Einst leader destroyed, all Einst elements in the universe begin to fade, including Alfimi, the parts on the Rein Weiss Ritter and the technology within Excellen's body.

Because Alfimi was essentially Excellen, even though she was a clone, Excellen felt deeply disheartened, having to lose another part of her. The events of Original Generation 2 concludes with Kyosuke and Excellen discussing their future together, with Excellen suggesting that if she ever conceives twin baby girls, they would name them Alfimi and Lemon, in memory of her clone and sister from the shadow mirror world.

In the Shadow-Mirror universe, the Excellen Browning of that dimension was killed in the crash and was reborn and rebuilt as Lemon Browning by her parents.


  • There are two characters that share appearance and personalities based on Excellen:
    • The original female protagonists Xiamou from Namco x Capcom, Xiaomu, a flirtatious "mystic fox" who aids the male protagonist Reiji Arisu in his enforcement duties. Namco x Capcom also happens to be directed by the same person who directed Super Robot Wars Impact, where Excellen is the female protagonist.
    • Endless Frontier: Super Robot Wars OG Saga features Kaguya Nanbu, a woman of nobility, who shares the same carefree and cheerful mannerisms Excellen has and Haken Browning, known to make lighthearted passes at every female the party encounters due to his flirtatious personality.
  • Excellen's character design is based off Mizuki Tachibana, sharing many personality traits as well (love of alcohol, flirtatous) [1][2][3][4]
  • In Original Generation 2, if Excellen lands the final blow on Lemon Browning's unit in the last battle against the Shadow-Mirror inside the White Star, she revises her comment about having children, during the ending dialogue. She tells Kyosuke that she'd like to have twin girls instead, with the oldest of the two named Lemon, during which Kyosuke correctly guessed the younger would be named Alfimi. Furthermore, release of Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden seems to have retconned the fading of the Einst technology on the Rein Weiss Ritter, as it appears fully playable in its first sortie. Therefore, it is possible Excellen is still part-Einst.

External Links[]
