The Coustwell (クストウェル) is a fictional robot in the Super Robot Wars series. It has appeared as a playable unit in Super Robot Wars J and later unit is upgraded to Coustwell Brachium (クストウェル・ブラキウム) However only Coustwell Brachium appears as a secret unlockable unit in Super Robot Wars Original Generation The Moon Dwellers.
The Coustwell sports a build that seems to be a hybrid of various real robots. It has been described as a "love child" of an Arm Slave from Full Metal Panic! and an Aestivalis from Nadesico, while its attacks pay homage to Mobile Fighter G Gundam. It is mostly in black and white, with highlights in gold and purple so pale, it can be mistaken for pink.
The Coustwell is piloted by either Touya Shiun or Calvina Coulange, the two original pilots in the game. They are assisted by Festenia Muse, Katia Grignarl and Melua Melna Meia, though only one of them can accompany the pilot in battle. The main pilot handles attacking and combat, while the subpilot handles the rest of the functions.
Technical And Historical[]
In an attempt to infiltrate human society and begin planting the seeds for their eventual domination, the Fury sent several of their knights undercover with the intention of working alongside the humans and learn about their technology. Two of these knights were Al-Van Ranks and his subordinate, Jua-Mu Dalby. During that time, they began working on Ashalley Kreutzer's project of mobile weapon development. The data they collected would be later used in creating their prototype mobile weapons. Later, Al-Van led the attack to destroy the facility, with the intention of annihilating all traces of the project for the Fury. However, one staff managed to survive: Calvina Coulange.
Franz Zeppelin was a human who was involved in the Coustwell's construction (as well as the Bellzelute, Granteed, and Vorlent, depending on which machine the player chooses to use in the beginning of the game). He was a good friend of Touya Shun's father. At some point, he and El-Selda Shun, Touya's father, decided to betray the Fury and provide some hope to the Earth by helping Festenia, Katia and Melua escape from their confinement. Knowing his life wouldn't last long, he programmed a disk with his artificial intelligence, so the pilot of whichever machine was chosen, could ask about his purpose.
The three subpilots managed to escape. However due to their poor piloting abilities, they could not escape far enough without being caught. In the end, they crashed near the protagonist's whereabouts (in Touya's route, they would crash land in his school during one of Dr. Hell's attacks; in Calvina's route, they would appear while the Nadesico is engaged in combat). During the commotion, the Coustwell reacts to the protagonists. Touya or Calvina are forced by the circumstances to pilot the mech, and turn out to be particularly adept at it. Later, they become the lone pilots allowed to utilize the machine.
The Coustwell would serve as the protagonists' personal mech for first half of the game. Its considerable armor and melee attacks allowed it to engage enemies up close with little fear of reprisal. However, during the fight to protect Orb, it would become heavily damaged in a battle with Al-Van's Raftclans. The Coustwell would later be upgraded into the Coustwell Brachium, sporting a more armored form, complete with new techniques and machinery its predecessor cannot utilize by utilizing a modified version of the Raftclans claw shields to a more powerful version that can directly draw power from the Orgone Extractor itself.
The Coustwell is designed for short-range combat. It can assault enemies that are firing at it from long distances, making the Coustwell more than capable of dodging them outright, with its armor protecting it from the occasional hit. It is flight capable, both in space and in an atmosphere. It enhances the force of its blows by charging its fists with Orgone, in either energy or solid form. Of the three starting original mecha, it is the "balanced" short-range combat model. Among the three, it has the second most damaging finishing move.
There are two pieces of special equipment present in the machine. The first is the Larseilam Canceller, a device which negates the Fury's ability to stop time, their favorite tactic when engaging enemies and leaving no evidence of survivors. The second is a Cytron Control system, which allows a subpilot to interface with the machine and enhance its performance in various ways, depending on the subpilot. While the Coustwell doesn't possess the Orgone Cloud ability, the Coustwell Brachium does. The Orgone Cloud acts as a barrier that can negate damage at times, allowing the machine to do a short time-space jump, effectively evading any attack thrown at it, no matter how accurate the attack is, and ignore terrain and enemy unit formations when moving.
In the Original Generation series, Coustwell doesn't appear but Coustwell Brachium appears as a Fury designed mecha piloted by Jua-Mu Darubi after he is demoted and loses his Raftclans, after meeting certain conditions Jua-Mu will abandon the unit and and it will be salvaged by Excellence Rescue for the player's use, however it lacks the Orgone Brachium Finish attack as seen in Judgement, if not the Coustwell Brachium will be destroyed during Jua-Mu's last stand.
Weapon Systems:
- O Slash
The Coustwell rushes towards the enemy, powering up its fists with Orgone energy, and begins hitting the enemy unit with left and right crosses. The attack ends with a strong bladed kick, knocking the enemy back. This attack can also be used as a combo attack against a group of enemies lined in a row.
- O Shot
The Coustwell charges its right hand with Orgone energy and throws a solid, Orgone-powered attack, in the shape of a giant fist, at the enemy.
- O Blow
The Coustwell launches two small modules on its back, forming a "glove" that connects with its right hand. A giant, solid Orgone-powered hand materializes on the glove. The Coustwell begins spinning counter-clockwise, successfully hitting the enemy with the hand, coupled along with the centrifugal force for additional damage.
- O Finish
The Coustwell extracts ambient Orgone energy from its surroundings, opening its "crown" into a V-shaped figure in the process. Two small modules on its back are launched, forming a "glove" that connects with its right hand. A giant, solid Orgone-powered hand materializes on the glove. The Coustwell charges at high speed, its entire body now glowing with Orgone energy, and slams the hand onto the enemy, shattering the solidified Orgone energy.
Coustwell Brachium[]
Model Number: Unknown
Height: 22.4m
Weight: 20.4t (J) / 51.3t (OG)
Weapon Systems:
- Brachium Slash
A Tonfa like blade is deployed on each arm which is used to slash at the enemy. This attack is first featured in Coustwell Brachium's lineart and was added to its attack list in Super Robot Wars Original Generation The Moon Dwellers
- O Brachium Shot/Brachium Shot
The Coustwell Brachium flies towards the enemy. Two mirror images of the Coustwell Brachium materializes, and all three charge their right hand with Orgone energy, throwing a solid, Orgone-powered attack, in the shape of a giant fist, at the enemy, simulataneously.
- O Brachium Slash/Brachium Raid
The Coustwell Brachium rushes towards the enemy, and begins hammering the enemy unit with a flurry of punches. The attack ends with a barrage of kicks, followed by a strong, thunderous kick that knocks the enemy back. This attack can also be used against a group of enemies in a line.
- O Brachium Blow/Orgone Brachium Blow
The Coustwell Brachium launches the two modules on its shoulders, forming a "glove" that connects with its right hand. A giant, solid Orgone-powered hand materializes on the glove. The Coustwell begins spinning counter-clockwise, successfully hitting the enemy with the hand, coupled along with the centrifugal force for additional damage. To end off, the Coustwell Brachium repeatedly hits the enemy with the giant Orgone hand until it shatters.
- O Brachium Finish
There are three different attacks of the O Brachium Finish, depending on the preferred subpilot for most of the game:- If Katia is the preferred subpilot, the Coustwell Brachium extracts ambient Orgone energy from its surroundings, opening its "crown" into a V-shaped figure in the process. The Coustwell Brachium launches the two modules on its shoulders, forming a "glove" that connects with its right hand. A giant, solid Orgone-powered hand materializes on the glove. The Coustwell Brachium charges at high speed, its entire body now glowing with Orgone energy, and slams the hand onto the enemy, shattering the solidified Orgone energy.
- If Festenia is the preferred subpilot, the Coustwell Brachium extracts ambient Orgone energy from its surroundings, opening its "crown" into a V-shaped figure in the process. The Coustwell Brachium launches the two modules on its shoulders. The Coustwell Brachium flies up and four mirror images of the Coustwell Brachium materializes, surrounding the enemy, and begins hammering the target with a flurry of punches and kicks, ending off with a kick that sends it towards the air. The Coustwell Brachium now delivers its own set of punches and kicks, while the modules strike the enemy simultaneously. The force of the impact from the Coustwell Brachium, its mirror images and its modules is so devastating, the enemy explodes.
- If Melua is the preferred subpilot, the Coustwell Brachium extracts ambient Orgone energy from its surroundings, opening its "crown" into a V-shaped figure in the process. The Coustwell Brachium launches the two modules on its shoulders, both flying towards the enemy, striking it multiple times. The Coustwell Brachium flies up and delivers a vertical kick at its target, while both modules hit the enemy at the same time simultaneously, in a downward helix fashion. The force of the impact from the Coustwell Brachium and its modules is so strong, the enemy explodes.