This page is a listing for characters, mecha, organizations, technology, and other elements of the Super Robot Wars series and other games that were designed specifically by Banpresto, and not originating in the series' included in the games.
List of Banpresto Original Robots[]
Playable Robots[]
The 2nd Super Robot Wars[]
Super Robot Wars_EX[]
The 4th Super Robot Wars[]
Neo Super Robot Wars (Chouki Taisen SRX)[]
Super Robot Wars F Final[]
- Mazinkaiser (Belonging to Mazinger Series)
Super Robot Wars 64[]
- Earthgain
- Vairose
- Super Earthgain
- Sweemurg
- Elbulls
- Sweemurg Splendid
- Soldifar
- Ashcleef
- Norouz
- Svanhild
- Sigurd
- Rathgrith
Super Robot Wars Compact 2 Part 1: Earth Crisis[]
Super Robot Wars Alpha[]
- R-Gun/R-Gun Powered
- Grungust Series
- Grungust Nishiki
- Grungust Kai
- Huckebein Series
- Huckebein Mk-II
- Huckebein Mk-III
- Huckebein Boxer
- Huckebein Gunner
- Huckebein EX
- Choukijin
- RyuuOuKi
- KoOuKi
- RyuuKoOu
- KoRyuuOu
Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden[]
- R-1 Kai
- Mass-Produced Gespenst Mk-II
- Mass-Produced Huckebein Mk-II
- Mass-Produced Grungust Nishiki
- Thrudgelmir
To be added
Trending pages
All items (772)
- File:2nd Super Robot Taisen Original Generation Alteisen Riese All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Taisen Original Generation Blanche Neige All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Taisen Original Generation Granzon All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Taisen Original Generation Rein Weissritter All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Aussenseiter All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Dygenguard All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Fairlion Type-S All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Garmraid Blaze All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Hyperion All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Persoenlichkeit All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG R-1 All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG R-GUN Powered
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Raioh All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG SRX All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Wild Falken All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars OG Wild Wuerger All Attacks
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generations - Ashsavior, Angelg, & Vysaga
- File:2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generations - EX Exbein
- Adamatron
- Adler Koch
- Agares
- Aguija
- Aile Chevalier/Geant Chevalier
- Aisha Ridgemond
- Akane Ardygun
- Akemi Akatsuki
- Akimi Akatsuki
- AL-3 Alice
- Albatross
- Albatross/Macht
- Aledy Naash
- Alion Lucada
- Alkaid Naash
- Alles Geist
- Almana Tiqvah
- Alpha Omega
- Altairlion
- Alteisen
- Alteisen Nacht (EF)
- Alteisen Riese
- Alteisen/Nacht (OG)
- Alumarcus
- Alumstora
- AM Gunner
- Masaki Andoh
- Andras
- Angelg
- Angelica Chartille
- Anne Sirena
- Ansuz Egret
- File:Apotheosized Ialdabaoth
- Aqua Centrum
- Arco Katwor
- Aria Advance
- Ark-On
- Arkgain
- Armorlion
- ART-1
- Asahi Inui
- Aschen Brodel
- Ashsaviour
- Assault Dragoon
- Astelion
- Astelion AX
- Astranagant
- Auguvalue
- Aurgelmir
- Aussenseiter
- AVX-03 Ganador
- AVX-04 Strega
- Axel Almer
- Axio
- Ayame Amanomiya
- Radha Bairaban
- Arado Balanga
- Banpresto
- Banpresto Original/Terminology
- Baran Doban
- Barrelion
- Barrelion/Custom
- Barrelion/V
- Baruch
- Bellzelute
- Bemidban
- Beowulf
- Bertha Bernstein
- Bian Zoldark
- Blanche Neige
- Blessfield Ardygun
- Bonny Maxmad
- Brad Skywind
- Elzam V. Branstein
- Raidiese F. Branstein
- Brasta
- Calion
- Calvina Coulange
- Canis
- Cardia Basirissa
- Catarina Campani
- Cerberus
- Chaos Caper
- Chitose Kisaragi
- Cindy Bird
- Cleo Gretel
- Cloud Haken
- Compati Hero Series
- Compatible Kaiser
- File:Compatible Kaiser.png
- Cosmolion
- Cosmolion/Type-F
- Cosmolion/Type-V
- Coustwell
- Cybuster
- File:Cybuster (Possessed).png
- File:Cybuster Posing.jpg
- File:Dai 2 Ji Super Robot Taisen Original Generation Fatum attack compilation
- DaiRaiOh
- Dark Brain
- Ryuusei Date
- Dea Blanche Niege
- File:DEM-03 Geneon (front).png
- DEM-03 Genion
- Diablo
- Dikastes
- Dis Astranagant
- Divine Crusaders
- Doerthe Driessen
- Dorothy Mistral
- Asakim Dowen
- Duraxyll