Super Robot Wars Wiki

All Super Robot Wars Electronic Encyclopedia (全スーパーロボット大戦 電視大百科 Zen Sūpā Robotto Taisen Denshi Daihyakka) is a database released for PlayStation on October 29, 1998. Except for Masō Kishin – The Lord of Elemental and Neo Super Robot Wars, it contains information on all Super Robot Wars games released at the time.



  • HISTORY OF S.R.W. - Describes the history of each Super Robot Wars game, including details on each scenario.
  • ROBOT DATABASE - Information on each unit that appeared in the Super Robot Wars series.
  • CHARACTER DATABASE - Information on each character that appeared in the Super Robot Wars series.
  • KEYWORD OF S.R.W. - Details on terms that appeared in the Super Robot Wars series.
  • APPENDIX - Supplementary material:
    • IMAGE DRAWNINGs - Several illustrations of characters and packages.
    • COLOR ILLUSTRATIONs - SD illustrations from each unit in the series.
    • OFFICIAL ILLUSTRATIONs - Black and white illustrations.
    • CHARACTER GOODS - Introduction to Super Robot Wars products such as gacha toys and keychains.
    • MOVIEs - Includes one TV commercial from each games (except the first game) and a preview of Super Robot Wars F Final.
    • EXAM. - A Super Robot Wars quiz for users to test their knowledge of the series.


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